Congress Allows the Military to Now Use Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Congress Allows the Military to Now Use Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Over the past few years, CBD and hemp products have exploded onto the scene and are quickly becoming mainstream. Everything from hemp oil to CBD gummies to CBD lotions are available. There’s even CBD for pets. While CBD products have been greeted with open-arms by the general public, it still remains a gray area when it comes to legality.

CBD that comes from the hemp plant became legal when the 2018 Farm Bill was signed. Any cannabis product that produces less than .03% of THC became legal. But in many states, today marijuana is still illegal. One of the early ways lawmakers have attempted to make sense of these conflicting laws, is by distinguishing a difference between topical CBD and ingestible CBD.

The military has even allowed topical CBD for its soldiers. But can military personnel use say, full spectrum CBD oil for pain relief? It turns out, the answer was a firm no. In fact, it recently became public knowledge that the military was actually punishing its members for taking advantage of the big six cannabinoids. The armed forces have had a long-standing zero-tolerance policy for drugs. But is CBD really the kind of drug they need to be worried about?

In a surprising and unprecedented move, Congress recently passed an amendment that allows military personnel to use CBD products, including full spectrum CBD oil. Taking things one step further, they are even allowing service members who were previously de-listed for cannabis related offenses, to re-enroll.

So, what does this kind of move by Congress mean? It appears that the validity behind the science of the big six cannabinoids is starting to be taken seriously. If the government allows CBD use by the military, it means it is becoming impossible to ignore its scientific benefits.

It’s no secret that our service members endure heavy physical tasks, along with often emotionally traumatizing events. They have a right to seek out alternative methods of help besides turning to opiates to numb both their brains and their bodies. It seems that the government is finally beginning to recognize this as well.

People today are looking for more and more opportunities to turn away from prescription drugs for their health ailments. Many people are now preferring to purchase something like CBD oil 650 mg, instead of turning to over the counter medications.

We are proud of our country, and especially Representative Tulsi Gabbard, for sponsoring this amendment to be added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). We are equally excited that the amendment was approved in a 336 to 71 vote. The times are changing, and the government seems to be along for the ride.

At My Hemp Benefits, we make it our mission to provide access to numerous CBD products, including CBD oil 650 mg. We also offer topical solutions, both full-spectrum and isolate, as well as CBD for pets. If you’re looking to see how CBD can benefit you, contact us today.

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